Karen Memes

This really belongs in the people calling the cops thread


A white man in Tennessee has been hit with an assault charge and his mother fired from her banking job for allegedly harassing a Black man inside their apartment complex, who was actually a hired parking attendant.

Johnny Martinez was checking cars parked in the River House’s garage for permits on Nov. 27, when he realized he was being watched by two people, identified as Edward Brennan and his mother, Bitsy. Martinez told the Daily Beast he worked to avoid them, but that he was eventually approached by Bitsy.

“You don’t belong here,” she told him. “How did you get here?”

In a video originally posted on YouTube, Martinez can be seen filming the mother and son as they question him and threaten to call the cops. Just a few seconds into the conversation, Brennan can be seen taking a swing at Martinez, knocking a bottle opener off his keychain.

When Martinez went down to pick it up, he said Brennan attempted once again to hit him..........


Check out the audacity of this black guy, thinking he doesn't have to stop and answer questions of any random white person who wants to ask him questions.