Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

They absolutely are hurt by false information, but they are also hurt by the fact that they get brushed aside and their concerns are never addressed because people in power don't want their issues to see light of day because how it may hurt the vaccination effort. It's definitely a difficult situation. But we need to help those people who have been injured by the vaccines. My cousin being one of them, he is still dealing with debilitating neurological issues and it's all coming out of his pocket(for what his insurance doesn't cover). The manufactures of the vaccines need to pay for the medical care of those who get injured by the vaccines.

I want to ask a simple question to all here. Do you think the makers of the vaccines should pay for the medical expenses of those who are injured from vaccines?
So first, the principle that people who have serious problems caused by vaccines should be supported in some way is already established (for a couple of examples, in the USA there's the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, here in the UK there's Vaccine Damage Payments (although bear in mind people wouldn't have to pay for their healthcare here beyond what they're already contributing to it in taxation)).

But in general, if your answer to "Should people who are injured by vaccines should get financial support?" is - reasonably! - "Yes," there's still some other questions that need to be answered. For example:

How should it be determined whether the vaccine caused the injury? So, for example, if someone develops neurological issues post-vaccination, how should it be determined whether the vaccine caused it, or whether it's coincidental and they would have developed the neurological issues anyway? This is a pretty complex issue, because establishing causation, particularly where the effects can be incredibly rare, is difficult.

And how should the amount of support be determined? Who should be responsible for that?

There's a lot of different answers to those. 'Through the courts' is one option, but the problem with that is it can result in vaccines becoming very expensive, or manufacturers ceasing to manufacture them because it's not worth it (and, as I've mentioned before, this was happening with the DPT vaccine in the 1980s. which is why a federal system was established for compensation in the first place).

But to answer your specific question, I'd say no, the makers of the vaccine should not pay for the medical expenses... because medical expenses should be covered through universal healthcare in the first place.