The Investment Thread

This is the real kicker of the situation...I know The Citadel gets vilified, and I am one of the people that do believe they're shady as hell, but you can't expect to be able to buy shares of a security in unlimited fashion while also crying foul that synthetic shares are being printed.
It’s a strange game. When massive demand for a stock exists then that creates liquidity problems for people trying to accumulate shares. So essentially the market makers print synthetics and then hope to unwind those FTDs during the next cycle with real shares.

I think that is correct.

The market maker and hedges can make a ton of money during this settlement period. An example - you pay $15 a share for AMC and then they provide you a real share when the price drops later in the settlement period.

And currently there aren’t many firm laws against.

So hedges and market makers have found a legal loop hole to make a killing.

BUT….there is a legal loophole in which retail and long institutions can use the Market Makers strategy of printing shares to create liquidity against them.

And that is Direct Registration through a certified transfer agent. It can be such a damming weapon that the SEC has made it illegal for Companies to publicly encourage its shareholders to do it.

GameStop is treading carefully in these waters while still giving a wink wink to its shareholders to register there shares via ComputerShare.

Ryan Cohen tweeting this funny picture. At first I thought it was him telling us he works 24/7 and even poops while working.

But was he telling us….computer chair….ComputerShare? This was July 23rd.

On August 15th, GameStop updated their investor relations webpage by including information about ComputerShare for the first time.

On September 23rd GameStop had a random tweet

Is this when DFV possibly registered his shares? No one knows if he did or not. But still - a tweet out of left field that may or not be connected.

The next date is the earnings filings on December 8th. For the first time ever GameStop provided how many shares were registered directly with ComputerShare share as of the end of Q3. And it was 5.2 million shares.

And in typical Reddit fashion- there is a major effort to register your shares and track the progress. So far as of yesterday, 98,000 accounts have been created in ComputerShare.


I have 60% of my GME shares in ComputerShare.

There is a massive effort to lock the float. And this creates a no win situation for Hedges. Illegally drop the share price = the faster the float will get locked. Not illegally shorting = eventually will get margin called (maybe). So hedges shorting is like being stranded at sea and drinking salt water for temporary relief.