NFL Christmas wish

Thr product has definitely been subpar due to injuries. But its not due to 17 games. I'm not sure what the issue actually is, but the league should definitely do some serious evaluation. My thoughts are leaning toward something that was changed in the offseason or pre season.

Im just saying they cant make it through 16 games health wise. Or 8 games. So why go to 17. They league was a mess with injuries a quarter of the way into the season. Just seems nuts that they have all these rules about safety - to the point where roughing the passer penalties can change games if you look at a QB the wrong way - and then add a 17th game when teams are playing guys who wouldnt be good enough to make practice squads at the beginning of the year.

But sure, if you look at it that a team cant make it through 16, then 17 is just an extension of that. So youre right that theres more to it than the number of games. But this coincides with reduced offseason work, reduced TC practices and camps. I also believe coaches knew that theyd have to survive 17 games, so players got even less work in preseason games than they normally would. It comes down to guys just not being conditioned to playing actual football.