What would a Saints playoff berth mean

A playoff birth is a playoff birth. Many of us are old enough to remember a time when making the playoffs really meant something. The Saints are a long shot to make the playoffs but if they do then I have no choice but to accept it. They could be one and done or they could make a run. But to win it all you first have to get to the dance. I'd rather have that small chance than no chance at all.

But I don't think we have to worry about the playoffs. Right now I think it's more likely that we'll find ourselves checking our draft order status than running playoff scenarios as the season comes to a close. It's an odd experience as a Saints fan. Usually right now I'd be worried about the #1 seed and rooting for other teams to lose to help our position. Yesterday I was just able to relax and enjoy a Saints victory. The wins are sweeter this year. Usually a win is just a sigh of relief while a loss is emotionally crippling for days.
Agree totally -Being a competitive team in the last c10 -15 years on the back of Drew has spoiled us -this is/ was not the Norm -and we are seeing it now.