And that is what is really sad about society nowadays. We have somehow set ourselves up to believe that we are able to choose who is or is not worthy of compassion, forgiveness or acts of humanity. Could you look into his dying eyes or his wifes eyes and really feel that way? I hope not. I really hope that you are just venting on the internet. I had a BIL who abused drugs many years ago. Did terrible things to family. I was young (20 - 30's) and was very mad at him. Essentially cut him off from my life as much as I could. Eventually that lifestyle caught up to him. I visited him with family at the hospital as he lay there dying. All I felt was grief for him and remorse and shame for myself. All those things he did vanished at that moment. All I saw was a person that I loved who was dying, that I would no longer see or live life with. Brother, we don't have time for all this hate and anger. Every single one of us has things in our life that warrant judgement and condemnation. There but for the grace of God go I.