Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

In the ED's Ivermectin is one of the drugs they use for some sort of Covid cocktail is the easiest way to explain, consist of Ivermectin, Vitamin C, Vitamin D and some antibiotic I cant remember nor can pronounce. Now, the policy I read from FDA suggested guidelines, was for use only for on-setting Covid within the ED and NOT to be used for patients to be admitted for long term care. It plainly stated research does not show any helpfulness for long term treatment for Covid patients. This policy was taped all over the providers work area at one hospital I was working at. A different hospital I was at, I didnt see that policy anywhere (different ED Physician groups), though I asked and they said same practice here ONLY ED treatment, not long term.

I think some people do not realize this and when their loved one is in the hospital they are grabbing at straws, wondering WHY they aren't providing Ivermectin.
Current guidelines. I'm sure hospitals and providers can use this or ignore it as they will.