Winning out: What does it even look like?

To have a chance.. The defense has to play at the level we know they are capable of.

We have to figure out how to generate some pass rush. It's clearly lacking. Luckily, the secondary has held up pretty well, but it's tough when you give QBs tons of time.
Generate more turnovers. That is helped greatly by pass rush.
Make the tackles. Missed tackles have been a problem lately. We have to be better.

The offense has to play efficiently. We don't have a lot of room for error with our lack of weapons.

Run the ball effectively. Rely on the screen game and QB keeps. These are our greatest strengths on offense, and we can wear defenses down if we can keep the chains moving.
When we do pass, it's kind of obvious, but receivers have to get open and CATCH the ball when given a shot. I'd like to see more of the Taysom to Johnson connection. They seem to have good chemistry.
Playcalling has to be near perfect.
Execution has to be better.
Many guys have to elevate their level of play.
Ball security is key.

Special teams. Just don't suck it up is all we can ask. Missing Lutz and Harris is tough. We just need respectable play from their replacements.

Overall, it's a tall order, and again, there's very little room for error. If we can figure out how to squeak out a string of wins and sneak into the playoffs, it would be an incredible feat. If that happened, I wouldn't even say we don't deserve to be there, because that means we worked our butts off to get there.