Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

The Viral load decreases in vaccinated people. With so many people in the 50+ range who refuse to get vaccinated, making sure as many people are vaccineated as possible helps reduce the transmission on the unvaxxed, giving them less of a viral load during transmission. People don't want to believe that taking the vaccine not only helps yourself, but it also helps others. So an unvaxxed 8 year old that gets Covid (even though they have little symptoms) that gives it to a 55 year old that is unvaxxed, they chance for serious symtoms is greater. Where as a vaxxed 8 year that that gives it to a 55 year old unvaxxed person, the less viral load they will get could be the difference in them having non seroius symtoms or ending up in the ICU. Thats why they want as many people vaccinted as possible, including the younger low risk ages.
It would be much easier if everyone who is eligible to take the vaccine would take it. The quicker we can move to getting back to normal.
There is research going on to study Long Covid, what makes you think they are not?
If you get a handle on Covid now, the less you have to worry about for the long covid. Its dumb to pull back on preventing this and just start to focus on the lasting effects.