Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

This particular discussion is not about WHY someone may have ended up on their deathbed or grave. It is about how you treat them and their family at that point. It is that you should not berate them for their actions that may have led them to that point or tell them that they got what they deserve. It is that you should treat them and their family with dignity and respect. Again, the discussion is NOT about right or wrong decisions. It is about that moment, how you should respond to other hurting humans. It's about Grace and Mercy and not what we deserve based on our merits.
It's cool man, when a fat person dies of a heart attack, or a smoker dies of cancer. or when a gay man died of AIDS in the 80s Or when the teenager caught up in a gang gets shot on the street. he just says. "Good they got what they deserved." Forget their whole life that led them to this path.

These are the people so caught up in "fighting for others" they lost themselves and become everything they hated to begin with.