Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

I've read what you've said in every post. I've understood the implications of what you've said as well, which is apparently more than you have.

As is the case here. Your claim is that the report on effectiveness on transmission (on page 12, which is very much part of pages 5 to 14) where it states,

As described above, several studies have provided evidence that vaccines are effective at preventing infection. Uninfected individuals cannot transmit; therefore, the vaccines are also effective at preventing transmission. There may be additional benefit, beyond that due to prevention of infection, if some of those individuals who become infected despite vaccination are also at a reduced risk of transmitting (for example, because of reduced duration or level of viral shedding).​
only 'sounds great' until you 'get to page 32'.
This entire conversation has been around the fact that the vaccine does not stop the spread. You presented this statement and the document. Reread my second reply to this. I clearly state that this statement hangs on the notion that the vaccine is effective at preventing infection. If a person is not infected, then a person can't spread it right? My medical peeps can jump in again, but if I'm reading this right. This is saying that vaccines are effective at preventing infection and due to that people are uninfected, they can't spread the virus. If the vaccinated does get COVID, which we are always told is rare, then the risk is reduced based on what the vaccine actually does (speed up the decline of viral load). But we have now learned that while the vaccinated viral load drops faster, the peak load is the same. You are just as contagious. So with that being the case, let's go to your next statements

Except, as shown, page 32, clearly states, in bold, that 'These raw data should not be used to estimate vaccine effectiveness', which would include effectiveness against transmission since, as described on page 12, effectiveness against infection is part of effectiveness against transmission. Additionally, as stated in the post you just replied to, the footnote to the table on page 39 is explicit about the rates shown not being applicable to vaccine effectiveness estimates, and that these have been summarised on pages 5 to 14. Again, page 12 is a page in the ranges 5 to 14. Because 12 is more than 5 and less than 14.

In other words, the report is literally and repeatedly explicit on 'page 32' and the tables you've copied and pasted having no bearing whatsoever on the formal estimates on vaccine effectiveness, including the effectiveness on transmission, on page 12.

So it doesn't 'sound great until you get to page 32'.

It just sounds great. Because it is pretty great. Because it shows that vaccination helps reduce other people's risk of exposure as well as helping protect those vaccinated.
The interpretation of data states:
These data should be considered in the context of the vaccination status of the population groups shown in the rest of this report. In the context of very high vaccine coverage in the population, even with a highly effective vaccine, it is expected that a large proportion of cases, hospitalisations and deaths would occur in vaccinated individuals, simply because a larger proportion of the population are vaccinated than unvaccinated and no vaccine is 100% effective. This is especially true because vaccination has been prioritised in individuals who are more susceptible or more at risk of severe disease. Individuals in risk groups may also be more at risk of hospitalisation or death due to non-COVID-19 causes, and thus may be hospitalised or die with COVID-19 rather than from COVID-19
While you are going on about efficacy, the document is telling you that as more people get vaccinated, we will see more cases. But the raw data is also telling us that the vaccinated are catching it at a much higher rate than the unvaccinated. It also shows that the vaccine is protecting the individual better from hospitalization, as the rates are higher among the unvaccinated vs the vaccinated and thus overall death, which backs up my statement that triggered this. So read that document and find which statement I am saying is false. Something else that you are failing to realize is the effectiveness associated with Infections is listed with "Medium Confidence," which states:

Evidence is emerging from a limited number of studies or with a moderately level of uncertainty

So take that coupled with the raw data and get what you want out of it.

During the previous administration, the current administration was against the vaccine and mandates because Trump. It's all political theatre.
For all the people that forgot how 2020 went.