Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

Tell me in what way I am misrepresenting data? And make sure you do it with data from the report.
The only thing that you are leaning on is the footnote talking about the effectiveness of the vaccine. The same pages referred stated that effectiveness for infections were listed with "Medium Confidence" and I gave the definition from the document.

So I will wait for you to explain to me what the raw numbers are telling us, so no more time can be wasted.
The "one thing" I'm leaning on is an understanding of what the datasets represent, their limitations, and how they can, and cannot, be interpreted, which is explained in the report and in the article they linked to (

One point in particular as it describes there, aside from the differences in the two cohorts, vaccinated and unvaccinated, is how we know how many of them there are. Think about it: how do we know how many unvaccinated people there are? It's a population estimate. And those can be wildly inaccurate. An overestimate of how many unvaccinated people there are leads to the rates in unvaccinated people appearing artificially low. And this is a known problem here:

For that reason, and due to the other differences between the cohorts also described in the report and linked article, you can't use that data to make the comparisons between the two cohorts, vaccinated and unvaccinated, that you keep trying to make.

As the report explicitly states, and as has already been pointed out to you. Repeatedly.