Vincent Jackson!

Thanks OP. I started "banging heads" at 9/4th grade. I was always the 3rd-5th biggest on any team that I played on. I wasn't fleet of foot, but when I put this big head inside a helment, I used my head as a weapon. Probably 60-70 percent of my tackles were used with my head. I LOVED the contact! If someone gave me a snot bubble, I always said "Good one, but you best be looking over your shoulder for me!" Our "Eye Openers" in high school were brutal, but you weren't going to be a "sissy" if you got your bell rung. I am BLESSED that I haven't felt any effects "yet". I was NEVER scared of anyone on the football field. As an educator of young children for 31 years, I tell my parents directly to their face, "If your son/daughter is afraid for one second on the football field, they need to find another sport." I do have neck, back, and knee issues. I tore my calf miuscle right before halftime of a game, and played the entire second half. "No pain, no gain, and blood makes the grass grow", was the montra that my coaches taught us. Prayers for the Vincent Jackson family.