Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

We also should know, the Omicron variant has shown to be more contagious, but less lethal. This is typical how viruses work. As they evolve and mutate (to remain in the environment), they become weaker in their ability to make someone gravely ill, or to kill someone. But they become more contagious, as well. A virus needs a host. And without a host, the virus goes away. A virus is very smart and does not want to kill off the hand (a host) it needs to survive and continue to mutate. We will always have this virus; ALWAYS!
Just to note, we still don't know that Omicron is inherently less lethal; we're still comparing different groups in terms of ages, vaccinations, previous infections and resulting immunity, etc. There are some really good indications, as it's becoming clearer that deaths are substantially lower in SA than in their Delta wave. The problem is that they have ~40% vaccinated compared to ~4%, and high seroprevalence from previous waves, so it's hard to say to what extent the outcomes are due to the population's increased immunity and to what extent it's due to Omicron being different. So the data could be showing it's inherently less deadly (best-case scenario), but it could also just be reflecting increased population immunity.

And that said, while viruses can become less lethal, they can also, well, not. They can also become more lethal. E.g. smallpox, polio, measles, didn't mutate away to harmlessness, we needed vaccines. Influenza strains have become less lethal and more lethal, but they haven't all mutated away to common cold levels.

To put it another way, it's certainly reasonable to think that a virus that rapidly kills its host would have an advantage in transmission if it evolved to not kill them so quickly and so extend the chance to be transmitted. The problem with SARS-CoV-2 is that it's typically infectious before severe symptoms kick in, so there may not actually be that particular evolutionary pressure as it it may not really gain or lose much of an advantage if it's more or less lethal. That is, a virus may not really care if it leaves its host dead if it's already spread by then.

One read along these lines: