Texas, the new Florida

Oh. I should'f probably clarified that in the back of my head, I'm like 64% sure these aren't logical worries... It's just how my brain works. BUT... Technically, it could still happen.

If those 25 pigs in the video decided to use their short, stout bodies for evil - they could take out a window.

There's a video in the Twitter thread of a single, possessed hog taking out a wrought iron fence like it was fashioned out of paper bags.

There are obese armadillos and beady-eyed possums that cut through my yard on the regular. I KNOW they have boar brethren. I know this.

I'm in North Texas. This is where the pig originated. Facts.
I would say you must be in a rural’ish part of NTX, but last month I took a pic of a momma bobcat with kitten in tow, in Plano near Coit/George Bush. Wildlife is everywhere.