Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?
Punishment for failing to follow the orders could have included a dishonorable discharge designation, a move that would bar those individuals from eligibility for a host of veterans benefits, including GI Bill assistance and Veterans Affairs home loans.

But Maj. Jim Stenger, spokesman for the Marine Corps, said that in nearly all of the cases so far, individuals received dismissals with “general, under honorable conditions” designations. Ann Stefanek, chief of Air Force media operations, said that all of the discharged airmen were assigned status as honorable or general under honorable conditions.

“The Department of the Air Force is following the intent laid out in the national defense authorization act,” she said.

The authorization bill, finalized by Congress on Wednesday, mandates that “any discharge of a servicemember on the sole basis that the member failed to obey a lawful order to receive a vaccine for COVID-19 shall be an honorable discharge, or a general discharge under honorable conditions.”