Winning out: What does it even look like?

I just disagree here. Even when our tackles are healthy, even lesser defenses can and will sell out to stop QB power. We saw it in the Giants game. Sean had run the play effectively down in the redzone throughout the game, and on 3rd and 2 when all we really needed was 1 or 2 first downs to put the game away.. Sean went back to the well, and the Giants get the ball back. We know what happens after that.

We can't be overly reliant on that, especially when we have generational talent at HB. There's no reason that we shouldn't give the threat of AK. The threat of Taysom keeping will give him more room, and vice versa if they play for AK.

I'm not saying to stop running it, I'm simply suggesting to run less of it. Quality over quantity. QB runs with AK lined up next to him will be far more effective than when we telegraph QB run with either the FB in motion or lined up next to Hill.

Oh i dont disagree on the type of runs,

but without our starting 2 tackles and guard, execution is what is killing us. Toss sweeps we usually see 3-5 yards out of AK.....he ran 3-4 last night and not a single one went for positive yards. ( the one positive was negated by a Hold on JJohnson ) The blocking was atrocious last night. Especially to the edges.

What really needs to happen is execution by QB and WR/TE- if we dont loosen them up by pass, forget the option play as you will face 9 in the box consistently.

Go back to TB playoff last year. They KNEW Drew couldnt push the ball past 30 yards. So they condensed their Defense ( almost like a red zone defense ) to take away run game and everything underneath. If you cannot threaten a defense with pass, while missing your 2 starting tackles and Guard, you better hope your Defense plays lights out. ( which we did last night)

I just hope that D performance springboards them for the last 3 games. It should. They should come out with the mindset of WE will win this game for us.