Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

The company that they say is doing this has been outraging folks by testing a limited few humans for a long time now. They actually make those chips for dogs, cats, and livestock. I think they do the human testing because some pet owners are easier to convince it's safe if they can show they've been tested in humans.

Put a chip in a calf and the calf doesn't have to be branded. Branding isn't good for them. They sure as heck don't like being branded. Branding also attracts predators because there is some bleeding and festering if the branded area gets infected. That creates a smell that attracts hungry creatures to come from the night.

I lived at a place where if animal control got a hold of a dog or cat part of getting them out was paying for a chip to be installed so they could ID them the next time they caught them, and therefore could be sure of being able to increase the fine for repeat offender owners of that pet.

If a person were to put one in for a vaccine passport there wouldn't be any authorities who would be checking for vaccination who have the chip readers to make use of them.

So I think mostly this is an outrage generating article of a kind that The Sun loves to publish.