Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

/start HUGE RANT

Well, Christmas is cancelled. 17 yo daughter just tested positive. My Mom and FIL are immuno compromised, so we can't take that chance.

Daughter is fully vaxed. Went to a gingerbread house making party Monday night. Last night got word that multiple girls at the party tested positive. Earliest we could schedule a test was Monday. Lucked out and a friend that works in health care was able to get us a rapid test today. Tested positive for Corona on Christmas Eve.

Now, I would not be angry otherwise because shirt just happens randomly and there is nothing you can do about it but carry on. But today daughter tells us that 2 GIRLS AT THE PARTY KNEW THEY WERE SICK AND CAME ANYWAY!!!!! What the Fork!? This is all just coming out now after the fact, too late to do anything about it. I am FURIOUS. I am angry that someone knew they were sick and knowingly exposed my child. But even beyond that, they have now affected not just the people they directly infected, but their entire extended families as well. Thanks to 2 selfish teenagers (and the parents that allowed it) we (and other families just like us) cannot celebrate Christmas with our families.

I am not mad for myself. I am angry for my 17 yo that now feels super guilty for ruining Christmas (she really didn't, but you know how teenagers are). I am super angry for my 10 yo daughter. She is crying because (her words) "Christmas is ruined". I know it's not really ruined, but try explaining that to a 10 year old on Christmas Eve that has been looking forward to this for like 9 months now. And multiply my story for every other person that also got infected at that party.

What is wrong with people that knowingly go to a gathering (or allow their kids to) knowing they are sick? My daughter is fully vaxed but still has covid. Thanks a lot butt crevasse.

/end rant
Just another example of people thinking their actions don't affect others. They're irresponsible, heartless idiots. If you're infected, stay yo arse home. Smh.