Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

This is the first infection in our household, so looking to the SR community for advice assuming some of you already know.

Daughter was exposed Monday or Tuesday, and tested positive today. What is the contagious window timeline? I am wondering how long I should wait before getting tested myself. I know that getting tested too early after exposure is worthless. Also even if I don't have covid today, I could sill get infected tomorrow or the next day or the next.....

So assuming daughter was infected Monday/Tuesday, how long is she still contagious, and how long after that should I wait before getting tested myself (as well as other family members)? I see no point in getting tested now while she is still contagious, because I could still get infected later even if not infected now. Also I don't want to subject my 10 year old to the nasal jackhammer if she will have to do it again a few days later.

7 days for her.

3 days for yall. Test Sunday and if negative you have avoided.

This from good friend at Tulane.

If you don't test positive Sunday, yall should be clear to walk around the cabin.

And God bless for having to deal with the emotional aspect with girls. I have 2 as well and this house would be a mess lolol.