The Investment Thread

I'm so bullish right now it scares me. I really hate that I had to close out my positions last Monday because I was too busy to monitor. I bought $910 TSLA puts when TSLA was at $1080, sold just as they were on the edge of the money and bought $1060 January calls. I doubled my money but if I was able to hold would be deep in the money today and that investment would have more than doubled again.

Just grabbed some AAL April options. I think air travel is about to go nuts and business travel is about to come screaming back. I think plane tickets may be about to start looking like hotel rooms and rental cars looked like the summer which would mean massive profits. The numbers from CES in Vegas next week will be a really big indicator. If much of the tech world packs the house in the face of a massive outbreak then it will be confirmation that the 20-30% that has been sitting quietly in the corner are about to come back out to play.

Grabbed both small cap and tech indexes. Even bought some gold which may be a stupid play since it should have been running for a year now and hasn't but commodities tend to lag rallies.

Also buying up oil. Think we are about to make a fast run up in the next month or two.

I'm also betting that Omicron is setting up for reduced covid restrictions in Asia which will fix some supply chain issues combined with being passed the pressure from Christmas. Time to extend this bubble into the credit markets as people dump all those savings they built up and start taking on debt they can't afford.

I know you travel a lot via airlines.

We made 2 trips ( mid nov and early dec ) to Denver. Every single plane ( NO to Vegas, Vegas to Denver, Den to MSY then again NO to Denver, Denver to Hobby and Hobby to MSY ) was full. Not an empty seat to be had.

And that was just my flights on Southwest.

I think once things really start to flow in the direction of endemic, travel is going to go nuts. I had bought shares of LUV a year ago when it was depressed for this very reason.: Once they get past the Government restriction of dividends ( for taking bail out ) they will be flyin. ( ba dum bum ) Dividends.

Side note- not sure if its just Southwest, but i REALLY cant take their new "pre flight" jingle- " Give your seatbelt a tug, your neighbor a hug because this Boein is a GOIN"