I have been monitoring the Nasa sight on the mission. and it seems that everything is going as planned to this point. One thing I was surprised about is that it it slowed down quite a bit in the last day. I read a lot of Sci-Fi and most assume that a ship would accelerate to just short of midway to the destination then "flip" and fire it's engines to slow down. The Webb started out faster the 1 mile per second but is now down to .77 miles per second. while it coast. I am assuming to is do to the earth's gravity effect and this is planned so than it gets to a near zero velocity as it arrives at the L2 point where the Earth and Sun's gravity is equalized.
Tomorrow is when it is to start the deployment of it's heat shield that will take a week to complete, after the mirror will start to unfold which will take 2 weeks. If any of this fails then the mission fails.