The Investment Thread

I know you travel a lot via airlines.

We made 2 trips ( mid nov and early dec ) to Denver. Every single plane ( NO to Vegas, Vegas to Denver, Den to MSY then again NO to Denver, Denver to Hobby and Hobby to MSY ) was full. Not an empty seat to be had.

And that was just my flights on Southwest.

I think once things really start to flow in the direction of endemic, travel is going to go nuts. I had bought shares of LUV a year ago when it was depressed for this very reason.: Once they get past the Government restriction of dividends ( for taking bail out ) they will be flyin. ( ba dum bum ) Dividends.

Side note- not sure if its just Southwest, but i REALLY cant take their new "pre flight" jingle- " Give your seatbelt a tug, your neighbor a hug because this Boein is a GOIN"
Flights are packed, but less flights are available.

The real boon will be when wide bodies start flying again... aka international travel. That's the only part that hasn't come back. Asia isn't flying.

Mostly empty planes are a thing of the past now. But we still don't quite have full air routes. But, it's a lot better.