I know you travel a lot via airlines.
We made 2 trips ( mid nov and early dec ) to Denver. Every single plane ( NO to Vegas, Vegas to Denver, Den to MSY then again NO to Denver, Denver to Hobby and Hobby to MSY ) was full. Not an empty seat to be had.
And that was just my flights on Southwest.
I think once things really start to flow in the direction of endemic, travel is going to go nuts. I had bought shares of LUV a year ago when it was depressed for this very reason.: Once they get past the Government restriction of dividends ( for taking bail out ) they will be flyin. ( ba dum bum ) Dividends.
Side note- not sure if its just Southwest, but i REALLY cant take their new "pre flight" jingle- " Give your seatbelt a tug, your neighbor a hug because this Boein is a GOIN"