Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

Physicians overwhelmingly support vaccination in adults. I believe that 90-95% planned to get vaccinated before it was available. But yes…we have to get vaccinated or lose our job. How many would have ultimately received the vaccine if we weren’t forced to do it…probably 90-95%.

The 30% was based on a large medscape poll amongst physicians. I think that number is pretty accurate. The reason you haven’t heard about the poll is because you’re not a physician and it’s very difficult to get access to Medscape if you’re not.

If 90-95% of doctor were planning to get the vaccine before it was available, and you believe 90-95% of doctors would have gotten the vaccine even if they weren't required to why the LOL?

Lol we have to be vaccinated or we lose our jobs. >30% of physicians will not vaccinate their children. I love sticking my nose up to antivaxers as much as the next guy…but I do it with better rationale.

I'd imagine that there are enough anti-vax doctors out there with access to that poll who'd be shouting off a mountaintop if nearly a third of doctors refused to vaccinate their own children. I just find it a bit odd that those poll results weren't leaked and all over the media