Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?
I was previously pre-med, have a degree in biological sciences, worked for about half a decade in academia, and somewhere along the line was registered for Medscape. My browser just signed me in.
I logged in and preformed my search in Medscape and still cannot find such an article:
Again, I have no problem getting the article, so it's probably because you don't have sufficient credentials. I'm not trying to talk down to you...but that is VERY LIKELY the reason you can't read the article I posted. If you are sincerely interested in learning and not just trying to give me crap...I'll be happy to share some details. It's copyrighted material, so I'm not going to be able to give the entire study. It's NOT a clinical trial, it doesn't have the same level of confidence. As with any poll, there are questions of bias.
- Poll was on clinician's confidence surrounding COVID-19 vaccine for kids ages 5-11
- 1269 individuals were polled between November 3-11, 2021.
- Among physicians respondents who have children in that age group, 30% said they would not want their children to be vaccinated; 9% were unsure. 66% of physicians in the cohort were confident that the vaccine was safe in that age range. When asked if COVID-19 vaccine should be added to list of children immunizations, 39% of physicians said yes, 37% said no, and 24% were unsure.
- Among APRNs/nurses, 45% said they did not want their kids to get COVID-19 vaccine; 13% unsure. 52% of nurses/APRN in the cohort were confident that the vaccine was safe in that age range. When asked if COVID-19 vaccine should be added to list of children immunizations, 25% of nurses/APRN said yes, 52% said no, and 23% were unsure.
- Among pharmacists, 31% said they didn't want their kids to get COVID-19 vaccine; 9% unsure. 66% of pharmacists in the cohort were confident that the vaccine was safe in that age range.
- Women were more confident in the vaccine's safety than men, and younger individuals were more confident in the vaccine's safety than older individuals.
- Knowledge of lower dosage in peds was highest in pharmacists (91%) and lowest in nurses (79%)...physicians were at 84%.
So in response to your observation that pediatricians are kicking people out of their practice over not getting vaccinated...that would be uncommon, and I personally know many pediatricians who think that is patient abandonment and unethical. There are ways to see children who are not vaccinated...if you are that concerned you can see them in the parking lot...I know pediatricians that do it. Also, based on the stats above, a pediatrician would be more likely to recommend vaccination, because the significant majority of pediatricians are women, and that is a cohort that is more likely to recommend vaccination statistically.
If you asked me if the vaccine is safe...that's a tough question. Because "safe" is a relative. Is it safer than getting COVID? That's an answer that I'd be more willing to commit. I'm not sure I'm willing to say that really ANYTHING is "safe" in medicine because I've seen people get sick from just about every medical intervention in existence. This is a high stakes game that we play...and there are always risks/benefits.