Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

So even though it's not your intention to talk down, your all caps yelling and insistence that "only credentialed doctors" can access medscape are unnecessary. An online poll is not representative of the entire collection of doctors in America, so as a MD you should be careful representing an online poll as some sort of general consensus.

The article title and poll results (it allows me to view) don't seem to paint the same picture and the article author gets called out for "sensationalism" by some MDs in the comments.

I know plenty of doctors. I went to undergrad with a couple of dozen, and I serve on boards with a couple more. My wife works in mental health. I'm not trying to give you a hard time, but the "30% of all doctors refuse to give their own children the vaccine" was a bold (and seemingly inaccurate) proclamation.

I didn't call you a liar, I just said I had a hard time believing that, tried to find it for myself, and couldn't before asking you for a link, which obviously triggered you.

According to the poll results only 11% of doctors (most of which are unvaxed themselves) don't plan to vax their own children:

Confidence poll.pngown kids.pngPhycians.png