Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

If 90-95% of doctor were planning to get the vaccine before it was available, and you believe 90-95% of doctors would have gotten the vaccine even if they weren't required to why the LOL?

I'd imagine that there are enough anti-vax doctors out there with access to that poll who'd be shouting off a mountaintop if nearly a third of doctors refused to vaccinate their own children. I just find it a bit odd that those poll results weren't leaked and all over the media
Well...opinions change. The number may have gone up or down...but we don't know because physicians or universally forced to have the vaccine or lose employment, so all we can go off of were the initial polls.

That's not how Medscape conducts their polls. But you are right that there is a risk for bias. But bias works both have people who are very passionate about this topic on both sides of the aisle. And honestly, I know enough healthcare providers to say that I don't think that the numbers of the study are too far off. As for why news outlets didn't pick it might be because it's restricted access. Again...people are having trouble google ninja'ing there way to the article and I'm literally posting the link to the article. Essentially, the only people who would comment and make the media aware of the poll, are physicians who have Medscape...but very few, if any, would do that. So it's our little secret.