Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

I'm sure the site is legitimate, but it's accurate to observe that this article in particular is based on an online poll with self-selecting participants. It's just not a great way of doing a poll. That doesn't mean that broad observations can't be made from it, e.g. that some physicians are vaccine-hesitant with regard to this vaccine and 5-11 year olds, but the methodology is completely inadequate to say what proportion that actually is with any confidence at all.

I would regard that kind of poll as inadequate for this purpose, and consider it unprofessional to use it as such.

And it's also accurate to observe that anyone can register for free on medscape, it's not hard to access at all.
Again...very passionate people on both sides of this debate. For every antivax physician there is an insanely pathological provax physician...I can guarantee you that. Every poll is has pitfalls...and there is risk for bias. I personally know tons of physicians who are vaccinated, who recommend vaccination in adults, but are hesitant to vaccinate their own children. doesn't seem so outlandish to me. It's probably outlanish for you because you don't agree with the findings, and/or there's a mismatch between what you think physicians think and what they actually think. I can say this much...physicians are skeptics by nature. In many ways the science has to be even stronger for physicians than the general educated population. Also, physicians see the side effects from vaccinations...where as the general population is going off of studies that wash out the low sample sizes of those that get side effects, or they just choose the articles that support their bias. That's the responsibility of physicians as scientists to not care about the politics and the bias...and to make the best possible decisions based on the information in front of them.