Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

This whole medscape poll argument is seemongly causing too many folks to be very pedantic.

Sammy always said it was an informal poll, via registered users. It was simply to make the point (if memory serves) that physicians and other medical professionals have different views about the vaccine for themselves, for adults, and for children. The risk calculus is different for different age groups and health levels. I think that is a simple and fair point.

I haven’t seen anything about doctors only getting the shot because they had to

Months ago I did read that doctors were at well over 90% vaxxed and nurses were barely over 50%

Definitely never heard that 30% number for children of doctors

Physicians overwhelmingly support vaccination in adults. I believe that 90-95% planned to get vaccinated before it was available. But yes…we have to get vaccinated or lose our job. How many would have ultimately received the vaccine if we weren’t forced to do it…probably 90-95%.

The 30% was based on a large medscape poll amongst physicians. I think that number is pretty accurate. The reason you haven’t heard about the poll is because you’re not a physician and it’s very difficult to get access to Medscape if you’re not.

Lol we have to be vaccinated or we lose our jobs. >30% of physicians will not vaccinate their children. I love sticking my nose up to antivaxers as much as the next guy…but I do it with better rationale.
He flatly states >30% of physicians will not vaccinate their children from go.

Multiple people questioned this.

His source was an online poll he claimed we were not worthy to access, but he was mistaken about that. When deemed that was not a good source he got combative and insulting.

I'm unclear why I feel that you are singling me out and defending him. Maybe I'm just in my feels.

Anyway, aren't y'all both from Florida? you guys buddies or sum?