The Investment Thread

Thats still a very , very good return in 3 yrs .. btw i think ive asked you about this before, but what are your best dividend paying plays ? Im thinking about pouring a lot really soon into divi-paying REITs, specifically Vanguard.. i know you mentioned SPG before, anyhting else ?

In ‘86 i was lucky to have $20 in my Velcro wallet to splurge on my second copy of License to Ill since i wore out the first one ! Come to think of it , that mighta been early ‘87.. in any case, i was still 2 or 3 yrs away from trying alcohol or the wacky -tabacky , hippie lettuce.

Look at SPG - thats my big divi payer. I planned on looking at REITs this year. Ill let you know what my FA says when i talk with him mid month.

LOL Velcro wallet- no license, no cards, just some dollar bills and the picture the wallet came with in the license holder spot.

But the whole store knew you were buying something.........rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrip.
