Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

My wife doesn't want the vaccine. She had covid at the same time I did but just had some minor symptoms. The odd thing She smokes a pack of cigarettes a day. My infectious doctor said he believes nicotine plays a roll of lessening the symptoms. I told him I quit smoking 17 years ago but wasn't opposed to taking up the habit again if it would help. That got a chuckle and a response of no, don't do that. There I was thinking I had a good reason to enjoy a smooth Marlboro red again...
Your Dr. is right. Don't pick up that habit again. I have a friend I mentioned many pages ago. He's unvaccinated. He caught
Covid the first time and had mild symptoms. He caught it again a few months later and it hit him like a truck. He's now
suffering from long covid and has to miss some days at work due to nerve pain. He's also a chain smoker. Nicotine
didn't help him at all.