Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

Some of you know my wife’s saga after getting vaccinated. She received her first dose of Moderna last March, within days developed hot flashes, hair loss, and over the next month proceeded to gain weight and lost her menstrual period. She went to OB/GYN and determined that we was in early menopause. After dealing with weight gain, hair loss, and severe hot flashes (couldn’t sleep) for a few months she was started on hormone replacement therapy. The hormone replacement therapy helped with hot flashes but not as much with persistent weight gain and hair loss. Menstrual period returned but were irregular a few months later, and hormone replacement therapy was stopped.

Fast forward to last month, and she is partially vaccinated and her employer is demanding her to be fully vaccinated. She could have considered a medical exemption but that process is a nightmare, and she also really wanted to be fully vaccinated because she’s an asthmatic. So she gets the vaccine (this time Pfizer).

Boom…hot flashes, increase in hair loss. She can’t sleep because she’s again drenched in sweat and having chills all night. She restarted hormone replacement therapy this week.