Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

I'm curious what his reasoning is for the idea that we can't keep vaccinating everyone possible every 6 months? Is it some concern with the build up of doses? Just a cost issue? The ability to produce that much vaccine? The logistics? A specific issue for the NHS in the U.K.?

If it's a health concern it's one thing. But, if it's just a cost/logistics/ability to produce issue, I don't see the issue with treating it like the flu vaccine only with a vaccine tailored to a specific variant every 6 months rather than every year. I mean, I get that it might not be possible everywhere, but that's one of those advantages of living in the more developed nations. Maybe that's not fair, but it is reality.

And, maybe with further research, they can reduce the need for boosters/tailored vaccines to only once per year or less. It just seems likely that COVID isn't going away and we are going to end up having to treat it with at least yearly vaccines just like the flu and maybe adopt the Asian habit of wearing masks when sick and/or during winter. But, like the flu vaccine there will be breakthrough infections. I just hope that the strains are generally on the milder side.