Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

This is the kinda stuff that irks me. You’re trying to personify the needs of the immune system with what a person who is tired would need.

Your immune system doesn’t need a “break.” It needs practice, preferably against dummy targets rather than live bullets. The best chance for reducing immune system pressure is to give it the blueprint for easy victories and not letting it forget the blueprint.

Your immune system fights off millions of germs every single day. You might as well give it the target practice for the ones that can actually do damage.

I understand all that. In her case, her immune system has taken 2 live rounds of COVID and a full course of vaccination in less than 12 months. She doesn't just have the blueprints, they're tattooed on her face. She's still in isolation from round 2. I'm not saying I won't get her a booster, but I am weighing the decision differently than I would've 12 months ago.

I mean there is a reason they don't give you both jabs of pfizer within 6 hours and a reason why they won't vaccinate someone within 90 days of anitbody treatments.