* The callback lines are always fun, but I especially liked the whole "No be there" stuff.
* There were so many times when I wanted to scream at Daniel and Johnny and just say, "Hey, why don't yall just be some forking adults and patch things up for real already!" I think that pretty much happened at the end, though, which is good to see.
* Silver is just a monster. Dude just straight up set the wolves upon Kreese like it was nothing.
* As Sun said earlier, Stingray is just a ridiculous character. Are there actually people out there in the world who act like that? If so, dear Lord.
* As GA said earlier, Tory is hot.
* Barnes is coming, Barnes is coming. Has to be and he's going to want some revenge for Daniel's victory.
* Remember the little scroll with the technique that Daniel said he hoped to never have to use? I kept waiting for it to come along, but I guess that's gonna be some season 5 whoop arse.
* Should be interesting to see what happens with Daniel's son and the new kid. That new kid is a little scary...that scene toward the end in the locker room...damn.
* Carrie Underwood - it was nice that she was singing one of the old songs during the matches, but I could have done without her. I'd have preferred if they had just played "You're the Best" or something like that.
* I did like that they included the skills competition and female division. I believe that is more in line with actual karate competitions.
* Are they going to tie Miguel's dad back to the original movies? I doubt it, as I'm not sure how they'd do that, but maybe he could be the guy from Locust Valley karate who was really good. Or maybe, just maybe.....his dad is Barnes????