Karate Kid Sequel

K, so address this if you would (try to gauge if I should power through)
My issue is Johnny and Hawk are the only substantive characters and it feels like they’re boxing Johnny into some sidekick role when it’s always been his show
And now that they seem to be out of the school ALL of the kids except Hawk don’t know what they doing (both the actors and characters)

I do like the new kid - his performance and story seems like it might go somewhere

Do ANY of the other characters grow?

Its the weakest season so far but even so I got sucked in at the final 2-3 episodes. I agree that Johnny's role is somewhat diminished and its becoming a little more like Karate Kid (Daniels story) instead of Cobra Kai (Johnny's story).

The new kid storyline with Daniel's son Anthony is fun and sets up the next generation of kids but agree that most of the OGs are a little played out. Hawk gets a proper story though.