I picked up my kittens in Michigan last week. My GPS took me to a church instead of my coworkers house. It's one of those backwoods places where GPS's, maps, and street names don't matter. More effective directions would be head east on 140 until you see a house with only three flags flying in the front yard. Turn left at the road with the white rock and make a quick left after you cross the ditch and drive back to the house with the P.O.W. flag, the American flag, and the Gadsden flag. Don't stop at the black house, and, if you drive past my house, don't turn around in the other neighbors driveway. Just keep moving until you find a safe place to turn around.
You have to be specific because it's like the United Nations in terms of flags around there but there aren't any other nations being represented.
Your directions using flags that might be seen from that highway at this place or another would apply here just as well as they sound like they apply in Michigan, including that comment of don't use that one driveway to turn around in.
"Just keep moving until you find a safe place to turn around."