I work as the director of rehab in a nursing facility. My staff OT is an anti-vaxxer as are two other staff members (out of 8). Our SLP tested positive Jan 4 and is out for 10 days. The OT became symptomatic along with several other members of her anti-vax family. They have not been tested, and per Victoria "We feel better so we're going on vacation"
They left on Thursday for South Carolina, where they likely will not wear masks, and will return Tuesday 1/11. In the interests of departmental harmony, I try to steer clear of politics but SMGDMFH, this **** kills me. They'll be the first to whine about being inconvenienced by masks, vaccines, etc. and yet completely fail to see the hypocrisy of their actions which only prolong the pandemic.
All three will be terminated if they have not gotten the first vaccine dose by Jan 24, so I'm going to need to replace 37.5% of my staff. Given the shortage of therapists, I'm not sure how that's going to happen but I'll let my employer sweat it. I'm about done.