Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

One of my parents still hasn't gotten it. Sadly i think they'd rather risk death than to get it. My brother hasn't either.,

I have no implicit qualms with their community - but it'd be dishonest to not mention that their particular religious group hasn't had some effect on the way they view
scientific issues - and I'll leave it at that. We really need to push respect and understanding of the natural world (including modern medical miracles - like vaccines) work
to help people detach from places of misunderstanding. That, and lose this obsession with the political in our country. It's cancer.
Yea. I feel like at this point the only people who haven't gotten the vaccine are people with legitimate medical issues and people who have somewhere in the back of their minds that it might just be the mark of the beast, and they'd rather risk earthly death than spiritual death.

I think it's one of those things where they might feel ridiculous if they said it out loud, so they never do, but that's their subconscious reasoning.

Oh, and the 5G peeps. Let's not forget those guys.