Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

I clicked on the antivaxxer subreddit site fully expecting to feel some sort of satisfaction.
Instead, I kept scrolling and scrolling and scrolling and scrolling.
As I did so, I started feeling more and more pity for them and those who consider themselves antivax.

However, I have no qualms with instituting a 20-25% premium on their monthly health insurance premium unless they show proof of vaccination.
But I don't think that they call themselves antivax; you do. And on top of that, we live in a society that changes official definitions to fit an agenda, to where now if you are against any mandate, you are antivax. Unless you have been in the military, I've probably have had more stuff shot into me in 1 day that most have a lifetime but I'm 100% against forcing this upon everyone. Guess what that makes me? SMH

And what is the reasoning behind instituting a 20-25% premium on people that are unvaccinated?