Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

But in the same vein, the numbers also show that majority of the unvaccinated people that wind up in the hospital are overweight/obese and nearly all had some kind of underlying issue. This same arguments is used to show why the vaccinated end up hospitalized. If this is the case, why don't we look at the common denominator? Again, hear me out; I'm not advocating any type of discrimination against the overweight, those with any type of condition, or the elderly but we are making sweeping generalizations like "ah, it's just the unvaccinated" but more and more, I find myself asking, who is at greater risk, a truly healthy unvaccinated person or an unhealthy vaccinated person? I totally get what you are saying about risk but at what point do we look at this past the surface? That's all I was getting at.

I just mentioned some of what I was trying to get at above but I agree that the rate that is being hospitalized is greater, based on numbers. But when we break that down, are there any common trends and do those same trends pose a threat to the vaccinated?
I'll admit that I don't know how much correlation there is, but, the I wouldnt anticipate the overall health of vaxxed vs unvaxxed is that markedly different, certainly not enough to make up for the percentage difference in hospitalizations among vaxxed vs unvaxxed. I think a lot of the differences in hospitalizations and mortality can be clearly attributed solely to vaccination status.