Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

I just have to interject that saying the unvaxxed rate of being hospitalized is "greater" is a huge understatement. All of the data I've been privy to....mostly thanks to Ward and others on this board show above 90% of hospitalizations for covid are unvaxxed.

That is not greater, that is overwhelming, regardless of the circumstances....
I mentioned rates because depending on what part of the world you get data from, rates don't account for the actual raw numbers. In the UK, the vaccinated hospitalization rates per 100k are pretty steady while for the unvaccinated, the rates jump pretty high the older the group. But then you look at raw numbers and you realize that there are more vaccinated hospitalized than unvaccinated (yes, I know it is because of the percentage of the population that is vaccinated) but when I hear something like "95% of COVID hospitalizations are unvaccinated!!!" in US news but then look at other parts of the world and see data, I wonder why there is this huge gap.