Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

People don't realize how unhealthy our "food" is in America.

We've known for decades, hell "Eat to live, don't live to eat" was a mantra for health gurus like Jack LaLanne before I was even born, but we still push a "pro-Big-agriculture" food narrative.

He used to say "if it's made by man, don't eat it"

Our food is the cause of so many of our diseases, hyper-tension, diabetes, heart disease, the list goes on and on.

People think fasting is a "fad diet" but there really is well documented and pretty well accepted health benefits to fasting. This is the first I have heard of fasting helping with COVID long haul, but based on the studies I've read, I'm not surprised or doubtful and glad to hear of your recovery.

I only found IF because I was trying to find a way to curtail my long covid problems and had seen people talking about it in reddit groups and how it had helped. That led to me learning more about the dangers of not only highly processed foods but other things we have been told were healthy that are more like a poison to our bodies than food(vegetable/seed oils).