Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

It stated with a sore throat yesterday morning but it wasn’t bad. I have a cough but it’s not that bad at all. If it wasn’t for the headache and fatigue I would have been at work today…but they were legit. Still feel like I have the flu but definitely better now than earlier today. I’m eating dinner right now and I can taste everything.

Had exactly these symptoms for three days last week. My son, daughter, and wife all developed symptoms at staggered times last week. Only my wife and I had symptoms to really write home about, though she did lose smell/taste as well and is just now getting it back.

My wife, son, and I all took PCRs last week. Daughter didn't need to test -- super-light (but noticeable) symptoms, and doesn't have to attend school for a few weeks yet.

My son tested positive, my wife and I negative. Really curious about the false negative rate of PCRs now ... it amplifies the RNA (?) in the sample, so one would think false negatives are uncommon. Pretty sure I had COVID, but will never be able to point to a piece of paper that says "See? Right here!"