Station Eleven (HBO MAX series)

I think you missed a part (that others seemed to have missed as well)
When Kirsten goes to Tyler’s compound, he tells her that after she stabbed him, he wasn’t able to wrangle the kids very well so they started to try to implement the prophecy themselves- the kids who had the mines at the golf resort were rogue
— now we don’t have to assume Tyler is a reliable narrator - but we don’t have to doubt it either
The thing that works about believing Tyler’s story is that it makes Kirsten’s stabbing of him the indirect cause of both the club house deaths and probably Sarah’s
All bc she was trying to protect everyone

And I’m not trying to be snarky but I’m not sure you ever believed this show when it told you that it wasn’t like all the other apocalypse shows

And I’m not removing myself from that either- when Alex gave Tyler the knife for Hamlet, I had the rest of the show mapped in my head involving stabbing Clark and the Jeevan was going to echo his ep 1 walk to stage but this time he could save the actor, et al
But luckily the writers are better than I am and wrote something much more subtle and beautiful
I did sort of catch that he said somebody else's story took over but didn't know which little girl it was. But who told them to (or how) to go digging up mines? I just felt like that part of the story had holes in it. And I didn't view this as a post Apocalyptic story after the first few episodes were over. I guess technically it classifies but it was more like that was a backdrop for a completely different kind of story it was telling.

Im not a person who just isn't moved by art. I can be very moved by say Phantom of the Opera or Opera singing. But I would never be moved by Hamlet so all of that pouring out their feelings through the play didn't really push any buttons for me.

on the last part you said about "the writers are better" brings me back around to wondering how closely this stuck to the book. Was it a liberal adaptation or was it relatively true to the book. Might have to find out.