Station Eleven (HBO MAX series)

I finished the show

It did pick up - it never went gangbusters but it did get interesting as the threads started to get tied off

I was wondering what happened to Jeeven and his standalone episode was good - but man was the Kirsten/Jeeven reunion disappointing. i don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't that. Lackluster is even too strong a word

I will say casting did an excellent job with girl/woman Kirsten

My final verdict - it was okay - very well cast, acted, written and shot but I wasn't moved as much as some were
I thought the Jeevan ending was good. It was kind of a conclusions since he finally finished walking her home. The interesting thing to note is that none of that Jeevan stuff is in the book. Though i've got to say, i'm surprised she wouldn't go visit his family or something. I also agree with the guy above who was blown away that they just gave Tyler a pass. I agree. Also not in the book.