Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

Middle daughter tested positive on a home kit on Sunday Jan 9. My youngest and I (and my middle) tested positive on Tues Jan 11. My oldest and my wife never tested positive.

We re-tested today at the same facility. Youngest is now negative. Wife and oldest are still negative. Middle and I are still positive. Zero symptoms between us for several days (and our symptoms over time varied from "I feel perfectly fine" to "hmm I guess maybe I feel a little something, maybe, if I really stop and think about it"). Makes me wonder if we are positive yet non-infectious at this point. Anyone have any data on the chances of that being the case?
If you're vaxxed, it's likely. My wife was positive for a week, and I never caught it, with no precautions (she caught it out of town, so was likely contagious for a few days before she got home).