Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

Heck, I did a search about the cocktail that you speak of and doctors doing the prescribing and came up with this after a quick search -


And this:

Looks good on a surry.

Oooo, here's a good one in Roseburg:

And if you read the doctor's connected blog you'll see a real winner.

What was it that Viper said to Maverick? "You take a hard right, select zone 5 and extend your escape."
Like I said believe what you want, find whatever you need to do to justify your theory, find some cool movie quotes to help sticky your chest out farther. I'm only telling you what I seen and I work in that environment, if it helps you to know, Im not adovocating for the use of Ivermentic for treatment of Covid, only was just saying as an FYI its being used . With that being said, I don't believe it was a prescription, it was some cocktail and I found that cocktail through the clinical trials website with an "under a minute" google search, since we are really stuck on Google search times right now. From the description I read posted in the physician workroom, it stated under emergency FDA use for onsetting Covid treatment within ambulatory care, not to be used as treatment on the inpatient side.