COVID-19 Outbreak Information Updates (Reboot) [over 150.000,000 US cases (est.), 6,422,520 US hospitilizations, 1,148,691 US deaths.]

Over quoting, but a lot going on here.

Let's start by saying it is pretty obvious that people who aren't vaccinated carry a higher risk of death or complications, all other things being equal.

However, the point about hundreds of thousands avoiding the vaccine and choosing death is a bit harder to prove, since so many died of (or with) covid19 before vaccines were available. Especially in the 65+ age group. So, it's also suspect to try to use their high vaccination rates NOW as any kind of argument about effectiveness THEN, when it wasn't an option.

I think jahsoul could have done a better job explaining their point. It was incredibly ambiguous. If the point is that now, over 55 years of age has the highest overall vaccination rates, and younger folks tend to be lower, and under 55 age group hasn't had hundreds of thousands of confirmed covid19 deaths... ok, sure. Many people still refusing may be in an age cohort where the risk is low to them. But many age groups are hovering in the 10+% of total deaths range. Younger is still like 6-7%? (In my head, I should actually calculate it).

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What I was going for is we really can't make COVID deaths a black and white. To say that hundreds of thousands of people have died avoiding the vaccine goes against all available data and I only brought up vaccination rate to show the fact that we can't make that a definitive statement when the group that is being hit the hardest is also this nations most vaccinated. This isn't to say that there weren't people in that demographic avoiding the shot but in 2021, they would have had a higher probability of being vaccinated than not. The problem is, we will never know because the CDC is too busy spoon feeding us rates while the UK is providing both rates and raw data in a palatable format every week.