Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

A Boston hospital says it won't consider performing a heart transplant on a patient who refuses to get vaccinated against COVID-19, CBS Boston reports.

DJ Ferguson, 31, is fighting for his life at Brigham and Women's Hospital and in desperate need of a heart transplant.

His father, David Ferguson, is speaking out passionately on behalf of his son who, he told CBS Boston, "has gone to the edge of death to stick to his guns and he's been pushed to the limit."

DJ's family says he was at the front of the line to receive a transplant but hospital policy stipulates that he's no longer eligible because he hasn't received the vaccination.

And David Ferguson says his son simply won't.

"It's kind of against his basic principles -- he doesn't believe in it," David Ferguson says. "It's a policy they are enforcing and so, because he won't get the shot, they took him off the list (for) a heart transplant."............
'"We are aggressively pursuing all options, but we are running out of time," David Ferguson said.'

I mean, clearly not all options, given there's one really obvious option they're apparently not willing to pursue there.

I genuinely find it baffling in situations like that; he's willing to have a heart transplant in the first place, a rare procedure (quick google suggests there's something like 3,500 a year, worldwide) with everything that entails (lots of injections, lots of drugs)... but he won't have a vaccination that more than 4 billion people have had, and one that's particularly critical for someone in his condition.

What's the 'basic principle' that would allow acceptance of everything required for a heart transplant, but not a vaccination? It's not a principles thing, it's an irrational belief thing, and it seems very likely to kill him. It's tragic.